
Showing posts from September, 2011

Portfolio Update 20110912

The biggest issue with an investment system designed for capital protection as its primary mission is how quiet the portfolio can be. A quiet portfolio will also, by nature, give smaller gains compared to comparatively more aggressive investment systems. QQQ Portfolio Stock: US$75,515.60 Cash: US$46,887.65 Total: US$122,403.25 No signals – all quiet on the western front, but the stock has dropped, hence the drop in portfolio value. At USD54.06 each, USD100k would have purchased 1840 shares back in 29 October 2007, when this portfolio was started to test the system. That portfolio would have been worth $97,851.20 today, a loss compared to the 25.09% gain the system have produced after nearly 4 years, or more than 8% p.a. Sorry Portfolio Stock: US$103,012.80 Cash: US$364.85 Total: US$103,377.65 No signals also for the sorry portfolio (and it has been so for a long time), but a rising tide raises all boats. Unfortunately, I had failed to establish a benchmark for this portfolio when it wa...