With this latest payout from the FOREX HYIP, I have already taken back all my money in USD terms (more than USD1300) although in SGD terms I still have to get one more payout to have taken back my investment (due to the IB's spread of 1.6 vs 1.4 currently for the USD/SGD pair). For something I started 8 months ago, this is pretty solid returns. In statistics, we study probability and understand the concept of mathematical equivalence. We understand the concept that a 100% chance of getting $10 is the same as a 50% chance of getting $20, mathematically. However, in the real world, any sane person will take the 100% chance of $10. As such, in the real world, probability in itself has a value, and all games of chance (investments are also games of chance, as are businesses we run, except that the latter we believe we can influence somehow with our steering of the business) add that value to the investment. Because of this value of probability, all investments share one common trend, w...