Ten Talents Investments 万银投资

Ten Talents Investments is the beginning of a dream, a dream I used to live back in 2003, when I managed a private investment fund. A dream where I worked only 2 hours a day, and have time for my family and my ministry. A dream dashed by greed, turning into a nightmare. It was a painful time for my family.

For the 3 years that I lived away from my dream world, I have slowly forgotten that there was once such a world. It had to take betrayal and an understanding that God and not man controls my destiny, that I woke up and remembered the world I came from.

Today, I'm slowly returning to the world of my dream. I'm beginning my investments, and putting my test investments here - trusting that God would bring someone who would believe in me, and allow me to manage their money once again. If you are one of them, please do not hesitate to contact me. I may have failed once, but I have learnt so much since.

One day, Ten Talents Investments will return.






  1. […] under money-laundering laws) when the money coming in from broking houses become larger. My fund closed before I could ever reach that stage, and so I watched with bemusement as anger and frustration […]


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