The End of an Investment Cycle

It has been nearly a year since I last invested for a monthly return of about 8% each month. The company just reminded me that my yearly investment cycle (the contract locks my investment for a year) is up, and I should choose either to renew at a returns of 3% less each month (about 7% after calculating for FOREX) or to withdraw and to start a new contract for a one time fee of 3% of the investment of USD1000.

I thought the math was very straightforward and somewhat of a no-brainer. I have chosen to withdraw and to start a new contract.

The other HYIP I have started (which I have expressed doubt in my previous post) has collapsed. There is a reason why I only invest a tiny amount for such HYIP. After this episode, I have told myself not to invest any more into any HYIP where the leverage just does not work out, or where the outlay is so ridiculously low (USD10, anyone?) that it being a money game is just so clear. I have to learn to listen to my hunches when it comes to investments. The first rule of all investments, after all, is not to lose money.

For more information on making 8% a month with an investment of only USD1300, feel free to Contact Sensei Michael.


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