Portfolio Update

Boring Portfolio
Stock: US$85,163.20
Cash: US$364.85
Total: US$85,528.05

This portfolio has stopped flashing the Buy signal. It is still too early to see if one can recover this portfolio. If I were to still be in fund management, I would probably liquidate part of it and reconfigure the fund to restart with a loss. As an experiment, though, I would like to see how many years it will take to recover this portfolio.

QQQ Portfolio
Stock: US$81,716.80
Cash: US$28,422.60
Total: US$110,139.40

A Sell signal was flashed, and some shares were sold off. In this system's parlance, we would say that the shares were traded into ballast. The guy who invested his entire portfolio at the very beginning, in October 2007, sees his portfolio at US$85,431.20, losing nearly 15% of his portfolio. With this system, we are actually ahead about 10%, without having to resort to day-trading.


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