Portfolio Update 20101201

I have not been updating regularly for the past 7 months. While this is not a real portfolio, and I take this more as a hobby now (to keep my investment ideas current), it is not good for this to be so. It is interesting to note how the portfolios keep going despite the lack of attention, which is what I like about the systems.

QQQ Portfolio
Stock: US$82,815.15
Cash: US$37,267.10
Total: US$120,082.25

A Sell signal was flashed again, and some more shares were sold off. For three years of investment, we are up about 20% in terms of portfolio, but about 66% in terms of shares gained.

Boring Portfolio
Stock: US$96,220.50
Cash: US$364.85
Total: US$96,585.35

The portfolio appears to have edged closer to its original investment, three and a half years later, even with no activity for the past 7 months.


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