Portfolio Update 20111214

QQQ Portfolio

Stock: US$80,059.60
Cash: US$46,887.65
Total: US$126,947.25
Benchmark Oct 2007: +22.37%

No signals – all quiet on the western front.

Sorry Portfolio

Stock: US$103,515.00
Cash: US$6,236.93
Total: US$109,751.93
Component: KO610, MCD550, PG140
Benchmark: +9.75%

Another sell signal flashed yesterday, and I liquidated another 10 shares of MCD. For comparison (though a poor one), I have benchmarked this against the cash investment of USD100,000.


SGD: $50,000
CNY: ¥10,185.37
SGD Value: $99,969.43
Benchmark: 0.03%

I am also testing this system, to see if it may work on FOREX. The benchmark is set against a fully invested CNY valued initially at SGD100,000, starting from November 2011.


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