Portfolio Update 20111228

The portfolios check were made on 26 December 2011, which happened to be a holiday in the NYSE. The system I am using does not require ticking signals - historical data can also be used.

QQQ Portfolio

Stock: US$79,633.60
Cash: US$46,887.65
Total: US$126,521.25
Benchmark Oct 2007: +22.61%

No signals – all quiet on the western front.

Sorry Portfolio

Stock: US$104,263.40
Cash: US$9,229.72
Total: US$113,493.12
Component: KO610, MCD520, PG140
Benchmark: +13.49%

Another sell signal flashed, and I liquidated another 30 shares of MCD. Most readers who understand how stock trading should work will understand that I am basically taking in ballast when the boat is rising. The key is in knowing when, and how much, and this system (principal aim: protect capital) works as it should.


SGD: $50,000
CNY: ¥10,185.37
SGD Value: $99,847.20
Benchmark: +0.15%

No signals. All quiet on the western front. The historical swing of the SGD and CNY is not very large and is unlikely to trigger any signals. I have used this pair for two reasons. First, I understand these two currencies better and do actually use them. Second, I have little idea of FOREX otherwise. Wise is the man who does not tread into battlefields not to his advantage.


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