Portfolio Update 20120206

QQQ Portfolio

Stock: US$82,526.50
Cash: US$52,361.85
Total: US$134,888.35
Benchmark Oct 2007: +18.14%

A sell signal flashed, and I liquidated another 50 shares. I am starting to move into ballasts.

Sorry Portfolio

Stock: US$102,321.80
Cash: US$9,229.72
Total: US$111,551.52
Component: KO610, MCD520, PG140
Benchmark: +12.63%

All quiet on the western front.


SGD: $50,000
CNY: ¥10,185.37
SGD Value: $101,558.34
Benchmark: -1.51%

Maybe I should have picked a more volatile pair, but my strength is not in FOREX!


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