The Third Payout, and the Overloaded Introducing Broker

I applied for my third payout this month, boosted a bit by the two downlines that are under me (both introduced by my wonderful upline, because I am still building my cases to reach out to my contacts and convince them of this wonderful financial investment).

As expected, my downline commented on how the Forex company is a poor communicator, sending confusing messages with their trading reports. I agree with this aspect, and perhaps that is why they use an MLM system to get investors. The uplines are expected to be their sales and support staff. It is a very remarkable way of getting things to work indeed, seeing that their customer service (whatever little there is), is really bad.

Another aspect of customer service breakdown that my Malaysian investors have been going through is that of their country's Introducing Broker. The volume of transactions are huge over that market, with hundreds of thousands moving through the system. To avoid issues with banks shutting them down over money-laundering policies (I suspect), they have been doing the transactions manually, resulting in huge backlogs of payments being delayed. I am very glad to know that the backlog is being dealt with, and the Master Introducing Broker has been whipping his IBs into shape.

The volume in Singapore right now is small, and hopefully our Singapore's IB would be wise enough to learn from the customer service shortfalls of his Malaysian counterpart, and avoid the same issues once the volume goes up. I intend to introduce more people to this investment, and to make this a nice side-investment for my friends and their friends.


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