Value-adding in the Investment World

I have received my seventh payout early this month. Calculating the various bonuses from the downlines that my upline has added to me in this binary MLM system, I have gotten back USD1255. This means that, in USD terms, I am one more payout away from taking back my investment.

So far the capital protection has also kicked in a second time, replacing lost capital from their poorly-performing trading system. I must admit I still find it strange that they are open enough to show us the inner workings of a poorly-performing trading system. Ponzi schemes I know of would show you all the nice trading gains, and you will be none the wiser, unless you are the financial advisers of latter investors in Madoff's ponzi (who did the Math and could not reconcile how the strategy could bring in the returns promised).

A prospect that I spoke to recently told me she believes in working hard and adding value in her work. It is a common objection from those who have no experience in the finance industry. The finance industry brings value by moving money around, allowing their clients to precisely earn without physically or mentally "working hard and adding value". The idea of value they bring is to grow the money of their clients.

In other words, we should not be looking at the investment as a "business" which requires "hard work" but as what it really means - an investment of money that you want to see returns based on the risk you took. And since the returns are really good (I calculated it as 8.52% a month based on all factors like FOREX (pun not intended) and spreads), this should rightfully be classified a high-risk investment, one meant only for those who can afford to lose that USD1300 investment.

Take action! Do something about your financial life! Contact Sensei Michael now!


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