Week 29; Minor Adjustments to Purchase

Boring Portfolio
Stock: US$72,783.00
Cash: US$25,649.90
Total: US$98,432.90

The market moved enough south for the system to finally trigger a buy...of about US$1600 worth of shares. I purchased an additional 50 shares of a bank. The commission of US$9.95 is still bearable. I treat it as transportation costs in a traditional FMCG business.

QQQ Portfolio
Stock: US$45,496.00
Cash: US$49,286.85
Total: US94782.85

The system triggered a buy of about US$1000 worth of shares. I purchased an additional 20 shares. It would be interesting to see how the two portfolios compare over the years. This portfolio has only been around about 11 weeks.


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